Nathaniel Bassey - Elshaddai Lyrics

Elshaddai Lyrics

Elshaddai that's why we worship you
You are elshaddai
Elshaddai thats why we worship you
You are elshaddai thats why we worship you

Elshaddai that's why we worship you
You are elshaddai
Elshaddai thats why we worship you
You are elshaddai thats why we worship you

Iyena senenanko yemale
Iyananosunndo oh oh ohhh
Tamusumelekiya iyanakibo
Iyamosilakiye nanakusumando siye uanu
Siyanmandusana iyeyele,

Elshaddai thats why we worship you
Thats why we worship you
Almighty creator king of glory
Elshaddai thats why we worship you
Iyemalandasu irolandasiye

You are elshaddai
You are elshaddai

Elshaddia thats why we worship you
You are elshaddai
Elshaddai dats why we worship you
Ohhh, ehhhh

Iyamosa, uonumbisiye
Nanananana so ohh, iyemakakiyebona
Iyamandusukiye ohhhh


Elshaddai Video

Elshaddai Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Elshaddai by Nathaniel Bassey: Exploring the Powerful Message of Worship


Elshaddai is a captivating and soul-stirring song by Nigerian gospel artist Nathaniel Bassey. Known for his anointed worship songs, Bassey has once again delivered a powerful message through this song.

Key Messages of Elshaddai:

Chronologically, the lines of Elshaddai convey a deep sense of worship, praise, and surrender to the Almighty God. Let's break down the key messages of the song:

1. "Elshaddai, that's why we worship you" - The opening lines of the song immediately establish the central theme of worship. It acknowledges and magnifies the greatness of God, emphasizing that the sole reason for worship is His divine nature.

2. "You are Elshaddai" - This line reinforces the identity of God as Elshaddai, a Hebrew term meaning "God Almighty." It highlights His power, sovereignty, and ability to fulfill His promises.

3. "Iyena senenanko yemale, Iyananosunndo, oh, oh, ohhh" - These lines, though in a different language, express the awe and wonder of encountering God's presence. It speaks of the indescribable nature of God, leaving the worshipper in a state of speechless adoration.

4. "Tamusumelekiya iyanakibo, Iyamosilakiye nanakusumando siye uanu, Siyanmandusana iyeyele" - These lyrics portray the worshipper surrendering to God's authority and acknowledging His supremacy. It reflects a heart that yields to God's will and desires to live in obedience to Him.

5. "Kimonsudo, Almighty creator, king of glory" - Here, Bassey extols God as the ultimate Creator and King of glory. This line emphasizes His sovereignty over all things and positions Him as the source of all existence and honor.

6. "Elshaddai, that's why we worship you, Iyemalandasu irolandasiye, ohhhhh" - The repetition of the phrase "Elshaddai, that's why we worship you" reinforces the central message of the song. It serves as a reminder that our worship is a response to God's nature and the blessings He bestows upon us.

Meaning and Inspiration:

The meaning of Elshaddai lies in its focus on the act of worship and surrender to God. It inspires believers to approach God with reverence, acknowledging His power, and yielding to His will. The lyrics of the song reveal a sincere desire to worship God for who He is and not just for what He can do for us.

While the specific inspiration or story behind the song is not readily available, it is evident that Bassey's deep intimacy with God and his passion for leading others into worship are driving forces behind the creation of this song. Elshaddai is a reflection of his personal encounters with God and his desire to share that experience with listeners.

Biblical Analysis:

To determine if the song Elshaddai is biblical, we can examine the key messages and lyrics in light of the Scriptures. Here are some biblical references that align with the main themes of the song:

1. Worshiping God: The Bible is filled with exhortations to worship and praise God. Psalm 150:6 says, "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord." In Revelation 5:13, all creation is seen worshiping God: "To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, forever and ever!" Therefore, the act of worshiping God is biblical and aligns with the message of Elshaddai.

2. Elshaddai - God Almighty: The term Elshaddai is derived from the Hebrew Bible, specifically from Genesis 17:1, where God reveals Himself to Abraham as El Shaddai. It signifies God's all-sufficient and almighty nature. This biblical reference affirms the use of Elshaddai in the song as a valid expression of God's identity.

3. Surrender and Obedience: The call to surrender and live in obedience to God is a recurring theme throughout the Bible. Romans 12:1 urges believers to offer their bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, as an act of worship. Surrendering to God's will is also seen in Jesus' prayer in Luke 22:42, "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." Therefore, the emphasis on surrender and obedience in Elshaddai aligns with biblical principles.


Elshaddai by Nathaniel Bassey is a powerful worship song that conveys the key messages of worship, surrender, and acknowledging God's almighty nature. The lyrics inspire believers to approach God with reverence, acknowledging His sovereignty and yielding to His will. With a biblical foundation and a heart of worship, this song serves as a beautiful expression of devotion and a call to surrender to the Almighty God.

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